The Macrobiotic Action Plan
Your MAP to Greater Health & Happiness

The Macrobiotic Action Plan Your MAP to Greater Health & Happiness (or simply, The MAP)  is NOW AVAILABLE  in paperback!  and is 

The MAP ~ originally published in 2016 ~ has been updated with at least 75 pages of new content (365 pages total!)  It's as valid today as it was ten years ago, if not more so!  

The Macrobiotic Action Plan is YOUR MAP to self-healing!  It's very useful as one reviewer on Amazon stated.  This easy-to-read guide is chockfull of tips, charts, meal plans, recipes, lifestyle suggestions, and simple guided visualizations to help you realize your health goals.

The MAP is a synopsis of information drawing from my decades of training in macrobiotics, Chinese medicine and 5-Elements Theory, Ayurvedic medicine, Yoga philosophy, and as certified clinical hypnotherapist and Holistic C.O.R.E. Counselor.  Everything from the Acknowledgements and Updated Preface explaining what happened that led to my un-publishing my book, all the way through the several useful Appendices was written to help you elevate your choices, and  your life.

What You Will Find in The Macrobiotic Action Plan (The MAP)

  • A survey to gain insight into your current level of physical / emotional health
  • 7-Day Sample Meal Plan
  • Charts to help you customize your own meal plans
  • A chart showing how to elevate your choices, with 3-tiers of simple food & beverage upgrades
  • Shopping charts, by category
  • Simple recipes to get started

Chockfull of tips, charts, info & simple recipes!

Kindle version coming soon!

  • Outline of the 3 Doshas, or constitutional types according to Ayurvedic medicine
  • Charts to help you determine if your symptoms are more Yin versus Yang, and how to adjust your diet & cooking styles to restore balance
  • Tips for weight loss
  • Lifestyle practices for greater health & happiness
  • The Five Klesas - based on Yoga philosophy indicating our main obstacles to a healthy, happy life
  • Motivation, information, tips and all you need to craft a macrobiotic diet, your way!
The Macrobiotic Action Plan Revised 2024 Ed.

What will I find in The Macrobiotic Action Plan?

In The Macrobiotic Action Plan, Your MAP to Greater Health & Happiness, you'll learn about the litmus test to help determine the best choice of foods, namely, those which provide the greatest sources of energy with the least waste ~ personally and ecologically.

The MAP is not an 'eat this, not that' restrictive diet plan, rather, it's more like an operating system to help you feel more clear and empowered about how to make the best choices for your particular needs.  A macrobiotic diet is a more nuanced approach to eating, choosing foods based more on their intrinsic energies, and not just their 'nutritional resume.'

In ancient China, the emperor would only pay the Chinese physician if he kept him well.  They were not paid if the emperor got sick!

Traditionally, the household chef was responsible for keeping family members in good health.   In both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the best foods for each individual are based on their inherent constitution and current condition.  Imbalances or illnesses can generally be reversed through the use of common foods, special remedies, herbs, spices, and adjustments to how foods are prepared.

In macrobiotics, we center our choices around primary (or principal) and complementary food choices.  Food choices, herbs and spices, and cooking styles can all be adjusted seasonally, and personally to help restore and maintain a healthy immune system, and enjoy balanced energy, moods, and a happy, healthy life!

Variety of whole grains in jarsWhole grains, beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas & legumes are among the most health promoting foods you can consume ~ hence why they are principal foods on macrobiotic diets
Colorful beans and legumes in jars

The Macrobiotic Action Plan provides tips, tools, charts, meal plans, and simple recipes ~ all you need to know to get started on a SASSY ~ Super Affordable, Simple, Satisfying & YUMMY ~ vegan / plant-based diet based on macrobiotic universal principles of balance. 

Macro Meal of Brown Rice, Baked Tofu & GreensYou'll find 5 Uber Simple Tofu Recipes in The Macrobiotic Action Plan

What type of food can I eat according to The Macrobiotic Action Plan?

Traditional populations world wide have been observed and found to follow identifiable patterns of eating that helped them thrive for generations. Macrobiotics is based on these Universal principles of balance.  It is a more orderly approach to eating than typically found in modern Western approaches to diet and nutrition. 

The principal foods in The Macrobiotic Action Plan include a variety of whole grains, greens and vegetables, and beans and legumes (or 'grains, greens and beans'), along with fruits, seeds, nuts, miso soups, seaweeds, and special condiments.  

While this is similar to what you will find in my Whole-Foods, Plant-Based 21-Day Health & Weight Loss Challenge, FREE Ebook, The MAP dives deeper into the why's and how to's for creating a balanced, healthy diet for your needs.  It's more of an operating system for self-healing, putting you in the driver's seat to know when and how to make appropriate adjustments and tweaks to your diet to help you thrive.

While many earlier macrobiotic books and counselors recommended more restrictive diets intended for people healing from cancer and other chronic illnesses, The Macrobiotic Action Plan is a more simple, flexible approach making it more adaptable to personal needs, budgets and preferences.

How To Feel Great & Improve Your Health with a Macrobiotic Diet book cover

Want to get your toes wet first?You may prefer to check out How To Feel Great & Improve Your Health with a Macrobiotic Diet FREE Ebook!

Prefer an instant download of The MAP?  Purchase the latest expanded edition - only $7.50


(Those who already purchased the ebook can donate $2 more for the final, expanded edition.)

The Macrobiotic Action Plan Book coverOriginal cover for The Macrobiotic Action Plan, 1st ed., published in 2016

Want a simple, colorful guide to getting started with a whole-foods, plant-based diet?

21-Day Whole Foods,Plant-Based Health & Weight Loss Challenge E-Book Cover

Read more about Whole-Foods, Plant-Based 21-Day Health & Weight Loss Challenge, a colorful, simple guide to begin and sustain a healthy, whole-foods, plant-based diet, or click the link below for an instant download.


Learn more about receiving one-on-one macrobiotic and holistic health coaching services 

>>>Return to Home Page   >>>FREE Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Health & Weight Loss Challenge Ebook

>>>How to Feel Great and Improve Your Health with a Macrobiotic Diet FREE Ebook 

>>>Plant-based Meal Prep   >>>Cooking, Storing, & Recipes for Reheating / Using Leftover Brown Rice  

>>>Macrobiotic Condiments for Savory Cooking

>>>Read more about macrobiotic diets, including:  My Macrobiotic Weight Loss, the earlier macrobiotic teachers, and more on my the Macrobiotic Page on my VeganGreatLife blog, at