Vegan Great Life Services 

Vegan Great Life Holistic Healing Services seeks to help those interested to experience greater vitality, harmony and peace, by helping elevate our choices, eat a more life affirming diet, and live more authentically and harmoniously with the truth of who we are and our heart's deepest desires.  

It's been my life's mission to accomplish these very qualities, and more, myself, while achieving my ideal body weight and composition, and enjoying greater freedom and flexibility, mentally emotionally and physically.  

Why would I desire anything less, for myself or anyone else?  We all deserve to thrive.  And we can, when we realize how to program our lives for success, rather than continue to go against ourselves.


Scroll down for Vegan Great Life Menu of Services.

Forest Trail at local Wildwood Metro Park in Toledo, OH

Menu of Vegan Great Life Services

Vegan Great Life Services includes:  

All Vegan Great Life Holistic Healing Services are designed to help you overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and more consciously create your most joy-filled, illuminated life.  

As a Vegan Energy Healer and Holistic Health Coach, I do my best to be the most clear, pure channel of healing energy and higher guidance that I can be.  I believe all the work I have done on myself, and my vegan, animal-free, plant-full diet has helped me be the best practitioner I can be.  

For those who opt for the VGL Health Coaching, my dietary recommendations are for a healthy, balanced plant-based diet based on universal principles of balance foundational to macrobiotics and Chinese medicine.  I will help you make appropriate choices, including how to safely transition to a healthy, balanced plant-based diet at your pace, and according to your unique needs.

Most of the VGL Holistic Healing Services are available by email, phone, and/or via a live video phone call for those on Apple devices, Zoom, or other video chat arrangement as needed.  

I currently see clients locally on Tuesdays and Thursdays at The Retreat Cupping & Massage in Temperance, Michigan.

Read on for details, or Contact Me to schedule.

Beautiful Black-Eyed Susan Yellow Flowers at Ansted Park in Temperance, MI


Enjoy Vibrant Health ~ Learn How to Eat For YOUR Needs, and Adjust Your Meals & Cooking Styles to Restore / Maintain Optimal Balance, & a Healthy Immunity, Year-Round!

Butterfly, Blue, on chair

Transform Your Life!  Learn How to Overcome Obstacles and More Consciously Create Your MOST Joy-full, Illuminated Life!


Black Crowned Night Heron Scottsdale, AZ

Get Clear!  Feel More Like You Are Meant to Feel!